Santa Clara Newspaper Features PredPol
From The Santa Clara newspaper… Putting a cop at the crime scene before it happens with a mathematical formula sounds like it came straight out of a Hollywood movie, but with new technology, it’s now...
View ArticleHarvard Data-Smart City Solutions Features PredPol
Dr. George Mohler, the developer of the PredPol algorithm was featured in a story about using data in policing. The article ran in Data-Smart City Solutions – a Harvard Kennedy School initiative....
View ArticlePredPol Launches First-Of-Its-Kind Technology to Predict Gun Violence
PredPol, the Predictive Policing Company, has developed and is deploying first-of-its-kind technology to help police predict and deter gun violence. “We are pleased to be working with innovative...
View ArticleAlhambra Police’s Success with PredPol Featured in International Newspaper
Alhambra, California Police Department’s usage of PredPol (and the success with the program) was highlighted in the international publication Global Times. Here is the story: – A medium-sized city in...
View ArticleCBS Atlanta Features PredPol Deployment
CBS Atlanta featured PredPol on their evening new program – the segment highlighted the recent deployment in Norcross, Georgia and the early successes seen with the program. Here is the link. Copy...
View ArticleLAPD Predicting Crime with PredPol – KQED California Report
KQED (NPR Affiliate) ran a story on PredPol and Los Angeles Police on their recent California Report show. Here is an excerpt (and full link below): In an age of big data, California police departments...
View ArticleSacBee Online – PredPol Results in “Dramatic Crime Reduction”
Cities that have implemented PredPol, a computer software program that predicts when and where crime will occur, have seen “cliff-like” drops in crime often within months of deployment. PredPol is a...
View ArticleComputerworld Magazine Highlights PredPol Successes
ComputerWorld Magazine just published a great article on predictive policing and PredPol’s role. Here is an excerpt: The consolidation of data in a common data warehouse such as N-DEx is just the first...
View ArticleDigital Magazine The Ascender Features PredPol’s Norcross Rollout
The digital magazine The Ascender did a feature on predictive policing highlighting PredPol’s deployment in Norcross, Georgia. Dr. George Mohler (co-founder of PredPol) is quoted as well. Here is a...
View ArticleAtlanta Police Chief George Turner Highlights PredPol Usage
In the latest issue of Police Chief Magazine, Atlanta Police Chief George Turner co-authored an article about his department’s innovative use of PredPol – and how predictive policing has reduced crime...
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